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Kellogg Park Community Garden

Maplewood, MO

Our Story

Our garden started in 2015, when we took over a couple of grassy lots with supplies and support from Seed St. Louis, formerly Gateway Greening, Inc. We were awarded 4 beds, a picnic table, and a garden sign.  We also received many free plants from Seed St. Louis, including blackberries that were planted along the west side of the garden and pollinator friendly plants that we planted around the garden sign.



In 2016 we added 6 more beds, a compost bin, and a bench, all from the great organization Seed St. Louis.  We also planted 2 peach trees and 4 apple trees.  In 2017, the city of Maplewood installed a water spigot at the garden and we planted a pawpaw tree.



In 2018 the wooden arbor was installed by Seed St. Louis and Don became a member by building his own bed.  In 2019 Seed St. Louis provided a raised bed, a new picnic table and 2 cow panel arbors and Don built a another bed.  We now have 13 beds.



In 2020, Seed St. Louis provided 3 cow panel arbors to complete our row over the path between the beds. In 2021,  Seed St. Louis provided 2 more beds, 1 4x8 (that grows asparagus) and 1 4x12 (that grows blueberries, strawberries, garlic and thyme,) and 2 more cow panel arbors.   We also added a seed exchange box and a book and pantry box in 2021.  A car crashed through our garden in August 2021, and luckily, no one was hurt.



In 2022, Seed St. Louis awarded us a new picnic table and new digging forks.  We had a good harvest of red potatoes before the garden flooded twice in July.  We had to throw out the second crop of potatoes we planted because of the floods.  Our pawpaw tree surprised us by growing its first fruits, even though we haven't established a partner yet.  There must be one in the neighborhood nearby.


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