Kellogg Park Community Garden
Maplewood, MO
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How does a community garden work? Every community garden is unique with unique leadership and membership that develop the rules for operating each garden. Â At Kellogg Park Community garden, there are 12 beds that are contracted to individual community members for their use. Â Each member makes a commitment to contribute to the maintenance of the common garden spaces. Â Members and community volunteers come together on work days to complete a majority of the maintenance work, while the rest is done by members who work individually in their own time. Â Potlucks, and occasionally plant sales, are held at the garden for all community members and guests.
2. How can I get a plot at Kellogg Park Community Garden? Email your request for a plot at Kellogg Park Community Garden to You will be placed on our waiting list for a plot, and we will contact you when one is available.
3. How can I volunteer? Anyone can come to our scheduled garden work days to volunteer. Check our calendar on the Events page of this website. You may also email to let us know what kind of volunteer work you're interested in doing with us.
4. Can I pick whatever I want at the community garden? No. Please don't pick from our garden plots. Members work hard to grow their harvest, and they choose how to distribute their extras. You may come pick from our blackberries when in season, cut flowers from our cut garden area, and when there are signs indicating an area for free picking. We share a lot of our extra produce at our work days and other events, and donate to the Salvation Army food pantry in Maplewood.